
Permission to be Sick

When I’m sick, I tend to keep pushing on. My head tells me this is counterproductive but this other unreasonable and stubborn part of me only hears, “LA-LA-LA-LA”. I was forced to see the doctor yesterday, not because my head finally won that battle, but due to a work situation. He listened as I described…

A Poetic Adventure

Do you ever march straight out the front door, Without an inkling or idea of what is in store? . When you hit that point where you’ve just had enough Do you just let things go, and stop being tough? . Should you go right? Should you go left? Should you set out and just…

Travel Escapism

Shambolism and Escapism

I don’t often have days that I wish I could rewind, do over or totally skip, but today, no doubt, would have to be one of those shambolic days. Instead of taking a deep breath and salvaging what I could from the mess, I longed to escape. So I popped my “take-me-away” music on high…


Organised or orderly?

I used to live under the misguided impression I was organised. One day, I woke up and asked myself, if I was so organised, why am I so far behind on almost everything? Then I had an epiphany. My behaviour and tendencies were not so much about being organised but about being orderly. What is…


Forever connected

I wrote recently about needing some breathing space, from many things, from my family, my children even. I enjoy the moments where I don’t feel responsible for anyone but myself… when they’re asleep. Adjusting to the responsibility of caring for little ones 24/7 was a challenge when I first became a mother. One day I was…


Project Life 365 – A Slice of January

Photography has become a growing passion especially since I started using Instagram in June 2011 and also joined my first of 19 photo-a-day challenges. This year, I felt the need to take a fresh approach. I didn’t just want to merely snap an image along a theme. I wanted to mull over the theme and…

Me Today

Searching for breathing space

Hello dear readers. It’s been a while. I almost can’t believe it’s close to a month since my last post. It’s February already! After writing about my new blogging direction, inspiration and personal productivity seem to have slowed right up, photography included. Maybe it was “The Jinx”. I never believed in “The Jinx” until I…


Another bend in my blogging journey

If you’ve followed blogs for a while, you will inevitably notice that bloggers tend to have epiphanies somewhere along their journey about their purpose for blogging, the direction of their blog, their branding. I started this blog to create and connect mostly through my writing. I grew up with the thought of possibly being a…

2012 December Photo Challenge

Wordless Wednesday – December 2012 Snapshot

This is the last of my year with the Fat Mum Slim Photo-A-Day Challenges. For 2013, I’ve embarked on a new photo challenge with Project Life 365 and will be sharing more of that in due course. In the mean time, enjoy! You can follow me on Instagram to see more of my photos. {image credit}…

Photo Challenge – November 2012 Snapshot

Only one more post till I’ve caught up on my daily photo challenge snapshots for 2012. Even for someone who professes addiction to these challenges, keeping up the habit up was becoming a challenge by year’s end but I did keep going. So without further ado, please enjoy! {image credit} You can follow me on Instagram to…