Shambolism and Escapism

I don’t often have days that I wish I could rewind, do over or totally skip, but today, no doubt, would have to be one of those shambolic days.

Instead of taking a deep breath and salvaging what I could from the mess, I longed to escape. So I popped my “take-me-away” music on high rotation whilst I dreamt of the real thing.



How about Hawaii, where I once had an unexpected foot massage from tiny fish nibbling bread from my toes whilst I sat in the shallows of Waikiki beach? Or maybe Holland Park in London, where I almost got lost in rambling woodlands till I emerged in a clearing, faced with a visual explosion of hundreds of roses in bloom? Or possibly return to the cool, crisp waters in Yosemite National Park, where I playfully dipped my fingers, whilst absorbing the soft sounds of nature all around? Or what about revisiting the enchanting town of Tromso in Norway, where I was privileged to witness a brief, unseasonal display of the breathtaking northern lights? Or how could I forget, standing in an open clearing on the grounds of Robert Redford’s Sundance Mountain Resort in Salt Lake City, Utah, taking in the stunning view of snow capped mountains as summer waterfalls cascaded downwards to the streams below? Or maybe return to the sand and cycleways of Santa Monica and Venice Beach where I rediscovered the childhood joys of kite flying and cycling, wind in my hair, sun warm on my skin?


Travel Escapism

Images my own excepting Roses in Holland Park and Tromso Northern Lights.

A lunch break was too short to indulge in actual travel but a mini-escape to the park did not go astray. Who would’ve thought laying on the grass, bugs crawling up your legs, with the hum of city traffic in the background, could be all that refreshing? Or maybe I was reinvigorated by the aroma of roasting coffee wafting in on the breeze from the nearby coffee house. Whatever it was, I returned to work just a teensy bit more ready to face the afternoon. A little help from the motivating beat of one of my favourite work anthem’s did not go astray either!



What do you do when you need a breather or literal escape? Do you revisit favourite past memories? Lose yourself in music? Switch off with sleep? Do tell!

P.S.: In hindsight, I think this post is rather amusing, following on from my last one. I could do with a chuckle or 10!


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Linking with Jess from Essentially Jess for IBOT.

12 thoughts on “Shambolism and Escapism

  1. There is nothing better than jetting off on a short, mental holiday to relive and appreciate, past experiences and joys.

    I’ve recently discovered that I’m not great at meditation, but completely clearing my mind of all conscious thoughts would be like sweeping Dorothy’s house as it travelled to Oz in the tornado! So instead, I sit down, listen to something zen like, Baraka Soundtrack is amazing for this, and travel down memory lane – like you did here.

    Hope you’re feeling refreshed tomorrow and ready to face another day.

    Coffee soon yeah? I think I know the park you’re talking about – Victoria Park? Toby’s is across City Road. Meet u there!

    Gabs x

    • It’s been ages since I listened to the Baraka soundtrack, Gabbie. I do love a good soundtrack and have a few on rotation too, covering a disparate range of instrumental pieces from Pride and Prejudice, Braveheart, Dances with Wolves to Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

      Today has started off better so far but busy-ness beckons so I need to have a clearer plan and focus on things step-by-step. And yes, coffee would be great.

  2. Gosh where do i escape to … a French kitchen. I want to live and raise my child in a French provincial village. I want to cook hearty French food and watch my daughter play in a garden full of alpine herbs, and i want to speak French … but i can’t because i’m in Sydney, my daughter is no longer a toddler playing in the flowers type and i hardly get time to cook … when I do though I’m in that kitchen. I hope your day was better today Veronica x

    • That all sounds really lovely! It reminded me immediately of one or two of the Joanne Harris books I’ve read like Chocolat. It all sounds so dreamy. I suppose I’ll just have to live vicariously through those authors who write about such adventures. 🙂 Maybe one day for both of us… never know!

    • For all the challenges I’ve experienced in my job, I do feel privileged to have had the chance to travel to a fair few places over the years. No where in the past 7 years though and I’m always itching to go somewhere. I grew up living between two countries so maybe those itchy feet come with the territory! I wouldn’t belittle a glossy magazine though, Lisa. Anything – a book, a movie, a walk – can be a great break from the routine / mundane / stress / etc. 🙂

    • Oh darn, Jess! Now I’ve got that song, “I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve been everywhere…”, on rotation in my head! Ha Ha! Books, movies, TV shows (with some eye candy to add to the excitement) are brilliant escapes. I haven’t done any of those in a while and I should. I love to lose myself in the romance of period pieces and Anne of Green Gables. It’s been a while though. The travel isn’t likely to be happening anymore so I need new and tangible outlets!

  3. Pingback: A Poetic Adventure « Mixed Gems

  4. I also use that Backstreet Boys song as a motivational aid but have been in the closet about it until now! Especially if I have to go to a meeting or networking event which will involve me having to “put myself out there” (which I suck at a bit). Hooray – I’m no longer alone 🙂

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts!