Where the path may lead

An Exquisite Paradox


If you follow me on Pinterest, you will notice I have a board dedicated solely to pathways.
Why do I love pathways?
Maybe it’s because pathways seem pregnant with possibilities. You never know what’s around the next bend. You never know what you might find along the way and whether there’ll be forks in the road ahead bringing more new opportunities.


Maybe it’s because pathways remind me of prior days of leisurely travel, where a turn around a corner could lead me on a new adventure; where I might encounter beauty, discovery, or new stories about history or culture; where I might meet new people, new friends.
Chopwell Woods, NE England


Maybe its because these images of pathways conjure up the opportunity to enjoy nature and escape from my every day surrounds of inner city life.
Finding myself along the way
Maybe its because something about these images touches me on a visceral level, even if I can’t put my finger on it.
Do pathways fascinate you, and why? Or are you drawn to doors or windows or something else entirely different?

28 thoughts on “Where the path may lead

    • So, I’m not the only one! There are numerous times when I was overseas travelling that I would spy a pathway and wander down it curious to see what might be down there. I miss my travels!

    • Thanks, Lina. It’s interesting how my thoughts about their meaning came after I realised my attraction to them. I just had to stop and ponder why they drew me in so much. These pics are via my Pinterest board but they remind me of various real pathways I’ve taken over the years, especially on travels and how exciting the adventure was. I kind of like doors too, but I don’t find them as inviting, unless they are open; maybe like this one – http://pinterest.com/pin/112278665/.

  1. Oh my, this is just the most beautiful post…. Your line “Maybe it’s because pathways seem pregnant with possibilities” was as breath-taking as those divine pictures. You’ve now made me look at pathways in a whole new light xx

    • Thanks, Donna. I’m glad the post touched you. You can always check out more inspiring pathways on Pinterest. I’ve found quite a lot and some are just as beautiful and inspiring. I find pathways can be a mirror of life too; where you know you’re going, when you’re not sure and when you need to test things. They also remind me of this quote that I really love – “Sometimes on the way to your dream, you get lost and find a better one. – UNKNOWN”

  2. I love pathways too… I love bends in the road and not being able to quite see where the road goes. Life is like that, we can only see a little ways ahead and then we have to move forward to see what is in store.

    Beautiful photos. Lovely post.

    • Thank you. I didn’t realise other people might be drawn to pathways too. I suppose it makes sense. They are a little metaphor of life, aren’t they? That’s probably a big part that draws me in. It sometimes makes the going in life easier when we can picture it through such examples.

    • Thanks, Jocelyn. We are ‘stalking’ each other on Pinterest. I’ve currently got 88 pathways there so maybe you’ll find more inspiring ones. I can’t pick a favourite either out of them because they each do something for me. I’ve got to go searching for some more soon!

  3. I like to look around the pathway more than down it. Sometimes it’s so easy to get sidetracked by a destination you miss out on the tiny flowers growing between the cobblestones. Thanks for the post! Happy Friday!

    • Thanks for that perspective, Lauren. I think that an important thing to do, not just rushing to the end, but enjoying yourself on the way. I find myself more meandering so I do get to notice some odds and ends along the way, at least some of the time.

  4. You have such a beautiful spirit, I knew that from the moment I started to read your blog. I love pathways too… http://raedi.wordpress.com/2011/01/26/time-spent-at-my-beach/… if you have time to read. I think that certain souls are put on our pathways for reasons. I think you were meant to be on my pathway. I am thankful….RaeDi

    I love your pictures, when I have the time I would love to do a watercolor of at least one of them, I hope you will give me permission!

    • Thank you, RaeDi. I read your post and it is quite deep and thought provoking. Pathways of people, of life, of generations before and those to come. Life. The pics I posted were actually from Flickr and Pinterest. I don’t own them so you would need to ask the original photographer for permission. They are quite beautiful and inspiring, aren’t they?

    • I know I like windows too because when I’ve worked in windowless offices, I’ve felt the insularity of it. I still like pathways because you can be actively engaged in exploring. Windows, to me, imply a degree of passivity, like watching life go by. But what watching reveals can be interesting too. I think looking into windows from the outside is also interesting. Others love doors. I guess it would interesting to consider what side of the door you might be on.

  5. Stunning photos, I like paths and roads that curve and wind where you can’t see where they lead. I like doors and windows as well, especially beautiful coloured ones. Hmm I wonder if that makes me a certain type of personality – someone who likes paths, doors and windows haha. Perhaps it is as you said and the possibilities of them

    • Thanks, Kate. Maybe it’s the possibilities AND the mystery of them; the potential adventure around the corner; that includes doors. And with windows, they are made to be looked through. The invitation is implicit. I think that’s what makes them interesting too. Otherwise something could be before us every day and we just never notice it if not for the invitation to look through the window.

  6. You’ve got some beautiful pathways there. Crossroads have been my fascination. I remember walking around and taking photos of crossroads everywhere last summer… I even wanted to call my blog crossroads of some sort, but I couldn’t think of a word I wanted to use to finish the phrase that wouldn’t sound too cliche.

    • Crossroads are interesting too, Tat. To me, they’re a little like a fork in a path; they provide more than one opportunity. The hard part sometimes is picking which. Otherwise you could just get stuck with indecision. It’s funny what thoughts ideas, pictures and concepts conjure up for different people. Crossroads probably conjure up different ideas for you. Thanks for dropping by.

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